one month of awesome


anniversary 2It is said that the beginning of something is the basis of deciding whether a landmark is made.  A step at a time, and a baby begins to walk. The fear of the unknown makes you a slave to the unknown. How much more liberating is it to brave the unknown!

When this blog was first launched, i was filled with doubts. “Should I, would I, could I?” I don’t know what came over me though. I remember seeing a post of a friend of my friend about the evils of procrastination. I realised there and then that it won’t hurt to give it a try. At first, I struggled with the project and in the end, found a voice to start with  and a balanced edge.

It’s been a month filled with lots of bumps and curves. I have learnt a lot about teamwork and planning. I have learnt about love and I have learnt to love life. It has been a month filled with all-round awesomeness which could not have been successful without the encouragement of you, my readers.

I welcome you into a whole new month filled with hopes and dreams of the future. Don’t be afraid to take that step, because you will always find out that you are not in this alone.

Best wishes from me to you,

The Lola Gbade.

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