


Christmas had come and gone without any spectacular event, unless you consider eating turkey and watching movies without restraints spectacular. We are now in a new year and like almost 80% of the world’s population, I am about to make a New Year resolution. This was usually an easy call for me, but since I was still unsure about my admission, I decided to be on a low-key and postpone making one for now. After all, no one is really certain of what the future holds.

“Lola, come and get the phone. One of your classmates wants to speak with you. I think it’s urgent.” God what is it about holidays that makes you want to sleep in all day without having a care in the world? Today is the first Friday of January and I was having a sleep-in. To say I am having a “sleepful” day is an understatement. I couldn’t care less if a bomb attack is waiting to happen.

Back to the phone call. I moved within the speed of light to get the phone from my dad. Forget about restfully sleeping, Heaven forbids my mum listen in on that conversation. I wouldn’t hear the last of it. If you have a Nigerian mum who is overbearing, you will totally understand me.

Breathlessly, I responded into the phone. “What’s up?” “It’s me, Tade, I just checked OAU admission list and your name was on the list. Congrats dear! Hello, are you still there?” I heard everything Tade said, but I felt as though as I was looking at myself on the outside. Strange I know, but I could not help but stand transfixed as I clutched the phone to my ears. Did I just hear that I got admitted into OAU?

“Oh my God! Mummy, mummy! I have gained admission ooo.” I could not help but scream in hysterics and laughter. I can’t believe this just happened. I was scared that someone would wake me up from this dream and just scream boo at me. Am I getting punked, or is this really true?

Well, it turns out that it was totally true and I was given Economics, my choice of course. To say my mom was joyous is an understatement. At a point, it was hard to discern who got the admission, me or her. Her screams and shouts of praise were so hilarious it was on the point of becoming mildly annoying. Our neighbours had gathered to see what the fuss was all about, and my siblings, with a flair for the dramatic and eager to steal the show, were more than willing to tell the story.

After what seemed like hours of celebration, I was finally able to rest. To hell with a sleepful rest, this was the life! I had gotten the perfect New Year gift and I could stay awake all night if the need be. It turns out I won’t have to waste another year at home. My dad had better start finding a par timer to help him with his shop. I am on the way to becoming a university student. God, life is so good!

The next day, I checked out the school website. Turns out the school resumes in March and registration for fresh students begins in February. Schools do not play a fair game at all. Now, I have to do my packing and registration in a rush. Not that I mind in the least bit. I could not wait to get out of this house and experience what a university life has to offer.

The days seemed to drag slowly making it feel like a punishment to me. It was now mid- February and the preparations had been made. All I was waiting for was the go-ahead to resume. Now, I know how painful it is to wait for something that was proving to be almost beyond my reach. Well, not again, I am now on my way to becoming an undergraduate! Nothing can stop me!

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